Environment, Social & Governance Statement


Tri-Star strongly supports outcome-focused environmental protection and practical action to improve sustainability.

Tri-Star is committed to best-practice environmental management and meeting the government regulations under which we operate.

The company has been operating safely and in an environmentally responsible way for many decades.

We have a culture of continuous improvement that we apply to all aspects of our business including environmental management.

  • Tri-Star recognises that water is the lifeblood of regional communities, and it is a valuable resource for many industries.

    We are focussed on water efficiency in our operations, and we support innovative approaches to optimise water use where practical.

    Our drilling operations recycle water where possible and appropriately treat all wastewater.

    Tri-Star’s commitment to responsible water management is exemplified by our onshore gas operations in Queensland. Through these operations, we have maintained and managed water monitoring bores that have contributed data to one of the most extensive water monitoring programs in the world.

  • Tri-Star has the privilege of operating in some remote locations which are rich in biodiversity.

    Our work to protect, manage and mitigate our impact on the flora and fauna starts before we even arrive on site through our detailed mapping process.

    We plan all our activities to minimise disturbance.

    In circumstances where our activities may have an unavoidable significant impact, we are committed to offsetting our impacts in line with the stringent environmental regulations that govern our operations.

  • Tri-Star is focused on minimizing our footprint and restoring the productive capacity of the land we occupy.

    Our operations represent temporary uses of land and Tri-Star is committed to the rehabilitation of our sites. We also undertake progressive rehabilitation to minimize our impact.

    We also have comprehensive weed management protocols in place to minimize the spread of invasive plants (weeds) to protect land and soil.

    We work constructively with landholders throughout the rehabilitation process to ensure best practice outcomes are achieved.

  • The core focus of Tri-Star’s investment strategy includes metals and minerals.

    Significant growth of low-carbon technologies, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaics, and electric vehicles, will boost demand for the raw materials needed for these technologies.

    Tri-Star is actively exploring and investing in, many of the minerals that will be essential to meet this raw material demand such as copper, lithium and nickel.

    We are also exploring for uranium. Uranium is a key input for nuclear energy, which is the only zero-emission base-load generation that can be deployed at scale. Over the next 30 years, demand for nuclear power is expected to double – with emerging and developing economies accounting for more than 90 per cent of global demand.


Tri-Star is constantly evolving and refining our business operations to maintain and improve our social licence to operate.

We acknowledge the growing community expectations of companies, especially those in the resources sector.

Our contribution to the economy through wages, royalties, and taxes is significant but we know companies are key leaders when it comes to social change.

Tri-Star is focused on practical actions within our sphere of influence to eliminate sexual harassment, eradicate modern slavery, improve education, build stronger local communities, and build respectful long-term relationships with Traditional Owners.

  • Tri-Star has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment, and we support industry efforts to eliminate sexual harassment in the resources industry.

    Gender inequality where power imbalances exist is one of the leading contributors of sexual harassment.

    To reinforce Tri-Star’s commitment to the elimination of sexual harassment, we have adopted the Minerals Council of Australia’s National Industry Code for our Australian operations and promote the industry tool kit to our employees, contractors and consultants.

  • Tri-Star has actively encouraged an inclusive workplace where everyone feels safe to bring their whole self to work.

    Due to this safe and inclusive culture, Tri-Star has developed a diverse workforce across a range of indicators including ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic background.

    Tri-Star is proud that more than 45 per cent of our employees are women and there is a strong representation of women across our functional leadership roles.

    This near gender balance is industry-leading.

    Tri-Star has achieved this without targets or quotas but through our commitment to a non-discriminatory respectful and inclusive workplace.

  • Tri-Star is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to prevent modern slavery in our own business or our supply chains.

    Tri-Star is developing a Modern Slavery Management Framework that will include strategies to prevent, identify, report, and eliminate modern slavery in our supply chain.

    Management and employees are also provided with information and tools about the prevention of modern slavery.

    We also fulfill all our reporting requirements in relation to the prevention of Modern Slavery as required by legislation.

    Tri-Star’s statement on Modern Slavery is available here.

  • Tri-Star’s culture is one that embraces life-long learning. The founders of our company have a passion for geology and its contribution to global economic development including energy reliability and security.

    Tri-Star supports better education and lifelong learning through university scholarships.

    We are proud to have supported Playford Trust scholars in 2021 and 2022.

  • Tri-Star’s long and successful history of operation has been built on our support for local communities.

    Tri-Star has a program of sponsorships for local family orientated events and gatherings that foster community spirit and identity.

    We also look to use local contractors where possible and design procurement processes to maximise opportunities for local suppliers.

  • Tri-Star has a deep respect for traditional owners and is committed to working with traditional owners to recognize land rights and protect and preserve cultural heritage.

    Our engagement with Traditional Owners occurs at the earliest stages of our project.

    We build respectful relationships with Traditional Owners and seek to collaborate with them when developing our plans.

    We utilize the expertise of Traditional Owners to identify cultural heritage sites and artifacts and all our work is carefully planned and managed to protect and preserve areas and items of cultural significance.

    Our agreements with Traditional Owners aim to build wealth and expertise within Indigenous communities.


Tri-Star is committed to the highest standards of conduct in all our business activities and to promoting and supporting a culture of proper behaviour, corporate compliance, and good corporate ethics.

We have a range of policies, training programs and initiatives to assist Tri-Star.

Directors and employees achieve these high standards and live the Tri-Star values of safety and integrity, excellence, adaptability, and collaboration.

  • Whistleblowers play an important role in identifying and calling out misconduct and harm to society.

    Tri-Star’s comprehensive Whistleblower policy clearly articulates the process for making a complaint, the investigation process, protections for Whistleblower and duties of employees.

    Regular training is provided to employees on Tri-Star’s whistleblower policy.

    The Board reviews this Policy at least every two years to ensure it remains current and appropriate for Tri-Star’s evolving business.

    In an act of transparency, the policy is available for anyone to view on the Tri-Star website.

  • Tri-Star recognizes the shared responsibility to work together for a bribery-free society. Bribery erodes the foundations of merit-based decisions and fair processes.

    To provide employees with the knowledge to prevent, detect, and address bribery, Tri-Star actively promotes and distributes the curated information from the Bribery Prevention Network.

    In line with the Global Anti-Bribery Guidance by Transparency International UK Tri-Star has a strategy for donations and sponsorships.

    The development and delivery of this strategy is overseen by a multi-function working group. The financial delegation for donations and sponsors outlined in the Delegation of Authority policy.

    We are committed to compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws.

    We carry out robust enquiries to ensure that we do not facilitate any money laundering or terrorist financing activity.

  • In addition to Tri-Star’s operated and non-operated energy and minerals interests, Tri-Star invests or enters into transactions with listed entities.

    The nature and due diligence process for these investments and transactions means that Tri-Star Directors and some employees may have access to market-sensitive information.

    Tri-Star has developed a Securities Dealing Policy that meets relevant legislative requirements and establishes a best practice procedure for protecting market-sensitive information.

    Tri-Star Directors and employees undertake regular and mandatory training on the Securities Dealing Policy.

  • To help employees manage and separate personal interests from Tri-Star’s business interests, Tri-Star has embedded a Conflict-of-Interest policy in our Code of Conduct.

    Clear guidelines and practical examples assist employees to live the Tri-Star values that include integrity and ethical conduct.

    During on-boarding employees are given training on the conflict-of-interest policy within Tri-Star’s Code of Conduct. The policy is also promoted to employees.

    Tri-Star has a culture of continuous disclosure when it comes to conflicts of interest given Tri-Star’s diverse portfolio of assets and investments. Appropriate management strategies are put in place to manage any conflicts of interest.

  • Tri-Star’s advocacy and public positioning is non-partisan in nature and issues based.

    As part of this advocacy, Tri-Star engages with government, regulators and policymakers and is an active contributor to the formation of public policy.

    To ensure advocacy and public positioning aligns with our values, Tri-Star’s advocacy is monitored by Executives.

    We are also a member of industry associations and business groups that indirectly engage with political stakeholders on issues affecting Tri-Star.

    Tri-Star has donated to political parties. Financial delegation for political donations is held by members of the Executives. All donations are disclosed in accordance with relevant legal requirements.

  • Safety and Integrity are core values for Tri Star. Tri-Star is focused on fostering a safe working culture aimed at eliminating serious harm and catastrophic events and reducing the number and severity of injuries.

    We use a systemic approach to provide consistency in managing our health and safety risks and ensure we live our values across our operations and projects.

    To enable this, we expect our behaviour to be aligned with due diligence and our values.

  • Tri-Star like all businesses faces risks from cyber-attacks.

    We regularly assess our cyber security protections and take all practicable precautions to protect the data of individuals including our landholders, employees, contractors, counterparties, consultants and suppliers.

    In the event of a known cyber incident in which personal data protections are breached, Tri-Star commits to promptly notifying affected parties.