Our Story
“The first of Tri-Star’s companies, West Texas Oil & Gas Corporation, is established by Dr James Butler III and his son, Dr James Butler Jr, to explore and develop oil reserves in the Permian Basin in West Texas, USA ”
“Tri-Star Petroleum Company is formed to explore gas and oil opportunities in Australia”
“A head office is established in Brisbane”
“Tri-Star’s exploration program in Queensland’s Bowen basin discovers major natural gas reserves and the state’s first commercial CSG well ”
“Tri-Star drills approximately 60 development and exploration wells in CSG acreage in Spring Gully, Durham Ranch, and Fairview”
“Tri-Star brings natural gas to the east coast gas market via pipeline from the Fairview field”
“Tri-Star farms out its Queensland CSG interests (including operated positions in the major Spring Gully & Durham Ranch, Combabula, Condabri & Roma East fields and non-operated positions in the Fairview & Arcadia fields) to Oil Company of Australia (now Australia Pacific LNG or APLNG), subject to a purchase price, royalty and reversionary rights
“Tri-Star reaches agreement with Tipperary Oil & Gas Australia (now GLNG) to convert its working interests in Fairview and Arcadia into a royalty”
“Tri-Star farms out its Roma East interest to Bronco Energy (now GLNG) in exchange for a royalty and other associated rights”
“January - Santos, Petronas, KOGAS and Total make FID on the US$18.5 billion GLNG project with Fairview, Arcadia & Roma East fields underpinning the project as key LNG feedstock gas sources
July - APLNG Project reaches FID. The underlying resource base from Spring Gully & Durham Ranch, Combabula, Condabri and other fields originally discovered by Tri-Star were key drivers to the sanctioning of this project”
“Tri-Star begins proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland against APLNG to seek clarity around reversion and other matters ”
“The first LNG cargoes are shipped from both the APLNG and GLNG LNG plants on Curtis Island near Gladstone in Queensland
“Tri-Star commences sales of its equity share of gas from the Spring Gully project into the east coast gas market
Tri-Star expands further into minerals exploration, acquiring significant swathes of exploration acreage in Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory”